Strong Internet Bonding
In places with no internet connection, hot spots or 4G router are commonly used to stream videos or access the Internet. However, these single cellular connections are not very reliable and may sometimes fail. Therefore, a bonded internet will be a better solution.
Today I will be writing about bonded internet. There are basically 2 type of bonding,
1. Bonding Encoders
(Example: LiveU, Teradek, Kiloview, Mine Q8 etc)
The basic workflow for 4G and 5G bonding encoders come with HDSDI and HDMI input for your camera or switcher source. Then, the encoder will encode video through a RTMP and SRT Protocol, and decode through VLC player or receivers at the other end.
2. Bonding Internet Routers
(Example: Swifgear Netlink, Mine M4, Zlink etc)
Bonding Internet Routers works almost the same as bonding encoders which also use 4G, 5G, Ethernet, and Wifi, adding together all available lines for a higher Mb required during uploading or downloading data. It is a mobile router that is user friendly, plug and play, and suitable to use on the go for your zoom meetings, Microsoft teams, Webex meetings. Internet access.
While doing live streaming, there are times when the internet at the venue is not stable, is blocked by firewall, or even no connection to any source of internet which prevents us from streaming. Therefore, I always bring along my Swifgear bonding router which can solve any internet challenge and give me stable internet connection.
Let’s dive into this topic today. Usually, we need around 5-10 megabits per second of upload speed when we are live streaming, especially when we stream on two different platforms. Therefore, when I do corporate live streams and internet meetings I always use the internet bonding device from Swiftgear to connect to wirecast or vmix.
There are 3 ways to accomplish bonding internet. The first way is to use software binding in which we take a software program and combine multiple internet sources into one. Unfortunately, software may fail sometimes. Based on my experience, hardware device would definitely be my choice because it is more reliable. The second way is to use a RTMP encoder which basically takes your video signal, breaks it into packets, and sends it up. However, you have to follow the RTMP protocol. The third and last solution is to use a bonded internet which I normally use Swifgear’s netlink. This bonded internet will allow you to surf the web, watch videos, conduct zoom meetings or do anything that you would on a traditional internet line. The netlink has multiple services bonded into one which provides you with a stable and reliable connection.